NOVATEX SOLUTIONS is an SME in Cyprus that specializes in digital skills, adult education, and career guidance. Their proficiency in these areas aligns perfectly with the project’s objectives and underscores the synergies present within the consortium. During the project’s initial phase, Novatex’s contribution will be pivotal in identifying the specific areas where the consortium’s combined skills may be lacking and in understanding the individual problems and needs of the project’s beneficiaries. The target group for this project will be educators, although the company has experience working with a wide range of age groups, from young people for STEM education and robotics to adults for educational activities.
EDRASE is a private, not-for-profit association that works mainly with training and projects, both at the national and European levels.
It is conducted by a board of directors with 7 people, has more than 150 members, and many external collaborators assisting in activities. EDRASE's main is to promote Natural and Social Sciences and ICT in Greece and the EU through Projects, Seminars, Lectures, Courses, and the Production of innovative Educational Material.
EDRASE is focused mainly on Distance and Blended Learning and the use of Virtual Worlds and A.R. In recent years, their collaborations have expanded to Athens, mainly in matters of schools and youth and school education, in both formal and non-formal education.
The "Jane Sandanski" Secondary Municipality School in Strumica, North Macedonia, was founded in 1947 and has over 1200 students aged 14-19. The school prioritizes the creation of quality generations and has highly qualified employees.
It emphasizes the development of STEM education, the practical application of acquired knowledge of natural sciences, mathematics, physics, and chemistry using new digital and computer technology. The school is involved in various projects and has received many national and international prizes. It also promotes diversity, tolerance, and mutual respect and has an ECO committee that plans and implements activities in the field of ecology every year.